

When we're shattered in pieces
nowhere to turn
emotions all fragile
emitting concern
It takes til that moment
of being o'erwhelmed
it's proven exactly
who's been at the helm

So often we're sure
our life's been on track
yet the smallest blow
just throws us straight back
We're down for the count
wondering why me

Then Jesus whispers
"You need help to see?"
He gathers us tight
wipes tears away
His gentle touch
keeps fear at bay

"Give up the battle
let Me take control
I have already won
the fight for your soul
All you need to do
is let Me inside
I'll wash out that pain
and forever abide
Your strength alone
is no match for Mine
I love you too much
to let you repine
I've got you covered
let go of the wheel
I'll cradle your heart
and ease what you feel"

I lift up my hands
I fall to my knees
I've made things a mess
"Here, take it now please
I trust You with all
I rest in Your hands
I give up control
to Your Master Plan"

As simple as that
my burden is lifted
From my back to His
I know it's been shifted
Comfort steals over
I lay down to rest
in His peace and love
Away leaks the stress
My pillow is soft
my mind starts to slow
no worries are left
God's got this, I know!


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